habit of moving effortlessly
Being at home with myself
Getting into the habit of moving effortlessly
Where the most difficult things are achieved quite easily
About Bodyhood
Get out of your Mind and watch your body move
Bodyhood is about understanding our body less as a machine and more as a learning tool on our journey towards a unity of body, mind and spirit.
“Power without Force” is our training philosophy. Learn to perform movements with as little resistance as possible. We offer you practical tools that bring more ease into your movements and give your life more balance, harmony and vitality.

Power your mind to expand.

Workout on the mat, reformer, Wunda Chair and Cadillac.
Solve specific problems and enjoy constant supervision in our individual, duo and trio classes. Get into the rhythm and flow of movement in our mat group classes. The to-be-one workshops teach you to be aware of your body.

Stretch your tissues and relax your nervous system in the Myofascial Group Class and Myofascial Massage.
In the group class you assume and hold very specific body positions. You relieve the pressure on your joints, muscles, fibres and tissues.
During the fascial massage I show you and your body new ways to move. You can let go and release tension.
When I give a myofascial massage, I show the body new possibilities, new alternatives and new options to move. I do not heal, I simply re-organise.
Charleston Samu Rii Marquis
About me
I am a dancer, choreographer, performance motivator and Pilates and body awareness coach. I was born in the Caribbean on St. Lucia and raised in London. I studied dance and Pilates in London and the USA.
The essence of my knowledge, however, does not come from public institutions but from my direct confrontation with the problems of my students and clients; from studying, researching and searching. In this way, I succeed in seeing possibilities even when there seem to be none.