No Place Like H.O.M.E.

pilates körperbewusstseinstraining mentales Training Trainingsoptimierung

Charleston Samu Rii Marquis CSRM

One of my favourite quotes is from the teacher and spiritual disciple Ram Dass. It states:

We all take each other home.

There’s no place like home!
But what does home actually mean? – H.O.M.E.
H.O.M.E. is certainly not a building.
Nor is there yet a state
that calls itself H.O.M.E.

For me H.O.M.E. means.
Habit Of Moving Effortlessly
It is a state of mind – an attitude.

H.O.M.E. is the habit of moving effortlessly.

H.O.M.E. is a way of moving that feels safe to me.
A way of moving that
meets my physical, emotional and spiritual needs
at all times, at all places and in every area of activity
regardless of the circumstances I find myself in.

pilates body awareness training mental training training optimisation

Check it & fly with it!


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